Plugin Description Usually TextCMS plugins are embebbed using square bracket syntax: . But you may also want do display some unprocessed content. Sometimes you just want to use square brackets safely...
Plugin Description You may want to inject an additional JS file into one of your articles, modules, areas or templates. Of course you can do this manually using <script src=...> tag. But you'd ...
Plugin Description Of course you can create hyperlinks manually using <a href=...> tag. But most of the hyperlinks on your TextCMS web site will probably be links to another articles. TextCMS p...
Plugin Description Modules are located in folder "_modules". They have "mod" extension. Modules are usually used in areas to embed reusable content. You can embed an module into an area using plugin ...
Plugin Description Articles are located in folder "_articles". They have "art" extension. Most of the time you do not have to embed atricles anywhere. They are displayed automatically by TextCMS engi...
Plugin Description Areas are located in folder "_areas". They have "are" extension. Areas are usually used in templates to specify where common web site elements are located. You can embed an area in...
After the basic installation you'll see the folder called "_articles". Inside forder "_articles" create a file called "" Write the following contents in the file: This is my "Hello World" ar...
This is a demo of NEWS plugin. The page should show a summary of latest articles below ...